First Things First, Set Your Hours

Prior to promoting your first appointment booker, you will first set your hours.

Go to SETTINGS --> SHOPWINDOW'ERS and find your account. Press EDIT.

Scroll until you find STAFF MEMBER SCHEDULE. Here, you can specify which times during the week you would like to offer as availability.

For Google Calendar users, you can connect your Google Calendar following the prompts. As a result, the available shown will be further narrowed to only available times on your calendar.

Schedule An Existing Person For An Appointment

Now that you have you hours set up and your appointment bookers created, you can begin scheduling any student.

Go to PEOPLE --> PEOPLE SEARCH. Find the student you would like to schedule for an appointment. This will usually be following a conversation or as a response to the student requesting an appointment by filling out a form.

On their person card, go the actions panel on the right. Click CREATE APPOINTMENT. Here, you can decide which appointment to book the student for, the date & time, and any other details you wish to enter pertaining to this appointment.

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